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(Prilog u enciklopediji)International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science, Lovric, Miodrag (Ed.)2011, LVIII, 1673 p. In 3 volumes, not available separately, print (book), Hardcover (M11), 2011, Springer, 978-3-642-04897-5, http://link.springer.com/referencework/10.1007/978-3-642-04898-2/page/1
1. Биљана Поповић, Heteroscedastic Time Series , од стр. 628, до стр. 630

(Prilog u enciklopediji)Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Society,Editors: Sarah J. Greenwald and Jill E. Thomley October 2011 • 3 volumes • 1,200 pages (M11), 2012, Salem Press, Golson Media, New York, 978-1-58765-844-0, http://salempress.com/Store/Samples/math_society/math_society.htm
1. Биљана Поповић, Blackwell, David, pp 118-119 Blackwell, David, 118-119, 668, 943 , од стр. 118, до стр. 119


Linear & Multilinear Algebra (M21), 2012, Taylor&Francis, 8, 60, 0308-1087, http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03081087.2011.629998?prevSearch=Cvetkovic-Ilic&searchHistoryKey
1. Драгана Цветковић-Илић, Guifen Zhuang***, Jianlong Chen***, Yimin Wei***, Additive Property of Drazin Invertibility of Elements in a ring , од стр. 903, до стр. 910

Applied Mathematics Letters (M21), 2011, Elsevier, 12, 24, 0893-9659, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0893965911003119
1. Драгана Цветковић-Илић, Јована Николов, Reverse order laws for the weighted generalized inverses, од стр. 2140, до стр. 2145

The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (M21), 2011, ILAS–the International Linear Algebra Society, 22, 1081-3810 , http://www.math.technion.ac.il/iic/ela/ela-articles/articles/vol22_pp1049-1058.pdf
1. Драгана Цветковић-Илић, Liu Xiaoji***, Wei Yimin ***, Some additive results for the generalized Drazin inverse in a Banach algebra , од стр. 1049, до стр. 1058

The Electronic Journal Linear Algebra (M21), 2011, ILAS–the International Linear Algebra Society, 22, 1081-3810, http://www.math.technion.ac.il/iic/ela/Home.html
1. Драган Ђорђевић, Дијана Мосић, Reverse order law for the Moore-Penrose inverse in C*-algebras, од стр. 92, до стр. 111

Mathematical and Computer Modelling (M21), 2011, Elsevier, 1-2, 54, 0895-7177, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0895717711001385
1. Дијана Мосић, Драган Ђорђевић, Further results on partial isometries and EP elements in rings with involution, од стр. 460, до стр. 465

Abstract and Applied Analysis (M21), 2011, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2011, 1085-3375, http://www.hindawi.com/journals/aaa/2011/540212/
1. Драган Ђорђевић, Дијана Мосић, Partial isometries and EP elements in Banach algebras, од стр. 1, до стр. 9, DOI: 10.1155/2011/540212

Arkiv for Matematik (M21), 2012, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences ^Institut Mittag-Leffler, 2, 50, 0004-2080, http://link.springer.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/article/10.1007%2Fs11512-011-0152-6
1. Драган Ђорђевић, Милица Колунџија, Generalized invertibility of operator matrices, од стр. 259, до стр. 267

Applied Mathematics and Computation (M21), 2011, Elsevier, 4, 218, 0096-3003, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0096300311008733
1. Драган Ђорђевић, Дијана Мосић, Further results on the reverse order law for the Moore-Penrose inverse in rings with involution , од стр. 1478, до стр. 1483

The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (M21), 2011, ILAS–the International Linear Algebra Society, 22, 1081-3810, http://www.math.technion.ac.il/iic/ela/ela-articles/articles/vol22_pp912-930.pdf
1. Драган Ђорђевић, Дијана Мосић, Weighted EP elements in C*-algebras , од стр. 912, до стр. 930

Applied Mathematics Letters (M21), 2011, Elsevier, 2, 24, 0893-9659, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0893965910003277
1. Драгана Цветковић-Илић, Reverse order laws for {1,3,4}-generalized inverses in C*-algebras , од стр. 210, до стр. 213

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (M21), 2011, Elsevier, 12, 235, 0377-0427, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0377042711001178
1. Драгана Цветковић-Илић, Јелена Љубисављевић, Additive results for the Drazin inverse of block matrices and applications , од стр. 3683, до стр. 3690

Applied Mathematics and Computation (M21), 2011, Elsevier, 22, 217, 0096-3003, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0096300311005819
1. Драгана Цветковић-Илић, Predrag S. Stanimirović***, Sladjana Miljković***, Marko Miladinović***, Full-rank representations of {2,3}, {2,4}-inverses and successive matrix squaring algorithm , од стр. 9358, до стр. 9367

Applied Mathematics and Computation (M21), 2011, Elsevier, 5, 218, 0096-3003, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0096300311009957
1. Драгана Цветковић-Илић, Predrag S. Stanimirović***, Marko Miladinović***, Comments on some recent results concerning {2,3} and {2,4}-generalized inverses , од стр. 1512, до стр. 1514

Applied Mathematics and Computation (M21), 2011, Elsevier, 7, 218, 0096-3003, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0096300311011246
1. Драгана Цветковић-Илић, New additive results on Drazin inverse and its applications , од стр. 3019, до стр. 3024

Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications (M21), 2011, Elsevier, 11, 74, 0362-546X, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0362546X11001428
1. Ивана Ђоловић, Malkowsky Eberhard***, Compact operatos into the spaces of strongly C1 summable and bounded sequences, од стр. 3736, до стр. 3750

Applied Mathematics and Computation (M21), 2011, Elsevier, 21, 217, 0096-3003, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0096300311004966
1. Светлана Јанковић, Јасмина Ђорђевић, Миљана Јовановић, On a class of backward doubly stochastic differential equations , од стр. 8754, до стр. 8764

Applied Mathematics and Computation (M21), 2011, Elsevier, 10, 217, 0096-3003, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0096300310011720
1. Маја Василова, Миљана Јовановић, Stochastic Gilpin-Ayala competition model with infinite delay , од стр. 4944, до стр. 4959

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (M21), 2011, North-Holland, 15, 235, 0377-0427, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0377042711001865
1. Марија Милошевић, Миљана Јовановић, An application of Taylor series in the approximation of solutions to stochastic differential equations with time-dependent delay , од стр. 4439, до стр. 4451

Mathematical and Computer Modelling (M21), 2011, Elsevier, 1-2, 53, 0895-7177, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0895717710003900
1. Марија Милошевић, Миљана Јовановић, A Taylor polynomial approach in approximations of solution to pantograph stochastic differential equations with Markovian switching , од стр. 280, до стр. 293

Mathematical and Computer Modelling (M21), 2011, Elsevier, 9-10, 54, 0895-7177, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0895717711003037
1. Марија Милошевић, Highly nonlinear neutral stochastic differential equations with time-dependent delay and the Euler-Maruyama method , од стр. 2235, до стр. 2251

Applied Mathematics and Computation (M21), 2011, Elsevier, 7, 218, 0096-3003, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0096300311012148
1. Дијана Мосић, Драган Ђорђевић, Reverse order law in C*-algebras, од стр. 3934, до стр. 3941

Applied Mathematics and Computation (M21), 2012, Elsevier, 9, 218, 0096-3003, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0096300311013518
1. Драган Ђорђевић, Дијана Мосић, Factorization of weighted-EP elements in C*-algebras, од стр. 5383, до стр. 5390

Applied Mathematics and Computation (M21), 2012, Elsevier, 12, 218, 0096-3003, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0096300311015049
1. Дијана Мосић, Драган Ђорђевић, New characterizations of EP, generalized normal and generalized Hermitian elements in rings, од стр. 6702, до стр. 6710

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (M21), 2012, Elsevier, 2, 389, 0022-247X, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0022247X11011450
1. Robin Harte, Снежана Живковић-Златановић, Драган Ђорђевић, Ruston, Riesz and perturbation classes, од стр. 871, до стр. 886

Applied Mathematics and Computation (M21), 2011, Elsevier, 9, 217, 0096-3003, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0096300310010647
1. Јелена Манојловић, Kusano Takaši***, Precise Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of the Sublinear Emden-Fowler Differential Equation , од стр. 4382, до стр. 4396

Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (M21), 2011, Springer, 4, 190, 0373-3114, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10231-010-0166-x
1. Јелена Манојловић, Kusano Takaši***, Asymptotic Analysis of Emden-Fowler Differential Equations in the Framework of Regular Variation , од стр. 619, до стр. 644

Computers and Mathematics with Applications (M21), 2011, Elsevier, 2, 62, 0898-1221, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S089812211100407X
1. Јелена Манојловић, Kusano Takaši***, Asymptotic Behavior of Positive Solutions of Sublinear Differential Equations of Emden-Fowler Type , од стр. 551, до стр. 565

Applied Mathematics and Computation (M21), 2012, Elsevier, 10, 218, 0096-3003, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0096300311014445
1. Светлана Јанковић, Горица Павловић, Moment exponential stability and integrability of stochastic functional differential equations , од стр. 6125, до стр. 6134

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (M21), 2012, North-Holland, 7, 236, 0377-0427, http://ac.els-cdn.com/S0377042711005310/1-s2.0-S0377042711005310-main.pdf?_tid=bc2feefc-5fc6-11e2-8134-00000aab0f26&acdnat=1358331974_c311ddf4e342a76495784525441bfe1b
1. Горица Павловић, Светлана Јанковић, Razumikhin-type theorems on general decay stability of stochastic functional differential equations with infinite delay, од стр. 1679, до стр. 1690

Mathematical and Computer Modelling (M21), 2012, Elsevier, 5-6, 55, 0895-7177, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0895717711007035
1. Светлана Јанковић, Миљана Јовановић, Јасмина Ђорђевић, Perturbed backward stochastic differential equations , од стр. 1734, до стр. 1745

Applied Mathematical Modelling (M21), 2012, Elsevier, 11, 36, 0307-904X, http://ac.els-cdn.com/S0307904X11008055/1-s2.0-S0307904X11008055-main.pdf?_tid=d8690984-5fc9-11e2-a306-00000aab0f6b&acdnat=1358333310_0a3088f68c650fa9b9c2ec68afcbdb37
1. Марија Крстић, Миљана Јовановић, Stochastically perturbed vector-borne disease models with direct transmission , од стр. 5214, до стр. 5228

Applied Mathematics and Computation (M21), 2012, Elsevier, 12, 218, 0096-3003, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0096300311015037
1. Јелена Манојловић, Kusano Takaši ***, Positive Solutions of Fourth Order Emden-Fowler Type Differential Equations in the Framework of Regular Variation , од стр. 6684, до стр. 6701

Applied Mathematics and Computation (M21), 2012, Elsevier, 9, 218, 0096-3003, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0096300311012987
1. Драгана Цветковић-Илић, Marina Tošić***, Invertibility of a linear combination of two matrices and partial orderings , од стр. 4651, до стр. 4657

The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (M21), 2011, ILAS–the International Linear Algebra Society, 22, 1081-3810, http://www.math.technion.ac.il/iic/ela/ela-articles/articles/vol22_pp1129-1137.pdf
1. Драгана Цветковић-Илић, Marina Tošić***, Chunyuan Deng***, The Moore-Penrose inverse of a linear combination of commuting generalized and hypergeneralized projectors , од стр. 1129, до стр. 1137

The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (M21), 2012, ILAS–the International Linear Algebra Society, 23, 1081-3810, http://www.math.technion.ac.il/iic/ela/ela-articles/articles/vol23_pp231-242.pdf
1. Драгана Цветковић-Илић, New conditions for the reverse order laws for {1,3} and {1,4}-generalized inverses , од стр. 231, до стр. 242

Applied Mathematics and Computation (M21), 2012, Elsevier, 10, 28, 0096-3003, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0096300311014500
1. Ивана Ђоловић, Eberhard Malkowsky***, On Matrix Mappings Into Some Strong Cesàro Sequence Spaces , од стр. 6155, до стр. 6163

Europhysics Letters (M21), 2012, E D P Sciences, 4 (45002), 100, 0295-5075, http://iopscience.iop.org/0295-5075/100/4/45002
1. Биљана Поповић, Vidosav Markovic***, Suzana Stamenkovic***, Aleksandar Jovanovic***, From binomial distribution of electron occurrence to Gauss and Gauss-exponential distribution of the statistical time delay: Analytical transition and simulations , од стр. 1, до стр. 5

Aequationes Mathematicae (M21), 2012, Springer, 3, 83, 0001-9054, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00010-012-0125-2
1. Драган Ђорђевић, Дијана Мосић, Some results on the reverse order law in rings with involution , од стр. 271, до стр. 282

Aequationes Mathematicae (M21), 2012, Springer, 0001-9054, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00010-012-0155-9
1. Дијана Мосић, Reverse order law for the weighted Moore-Penrose inverse in C*-algebras , од стр. ???, до стр. ???, DOI: 10.1007/s00010-012-0155-9

Calcolo (M21), 2012, Springer, 0008-0624, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10092-012-0069-x
1. Дијана Мосић, Some results on the Drazin inverse of a modified matrix , од стр. ???, до стр. ???, DOI: 10.1007/s10092-012-0069-x

Applied Mathematics and Computation (M21), 2012, Elsevier, 5, 219, 0096-3003, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0096300312008818
1. Драган Ђорђевић, Дијана Мосић, Reverse order law for the group inverse in rings , од стр. 2526, до стр. 2534

Applied Mathematics and Computation (M21), 2012, Elsevier, 24, 218, 0096-3003, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2012.06.008
1. Драган Ђорђевић, Дијана Мосић, Representation of the generalized Drazin inverse of block matrices in Banach algebras , од стр. 12001, до стр. 12007

Applied Mathematics and Computation (M21), 2012, Elsevier, 4, 219, 0096-3003, http://ac.els-cdn.com/S0096300312008697/1-s2.0-S0096300312008697-main.pdf?_tid=529b8896-5fc8-11e2-96bd-00000aacb35d&acdnat=1358332655_0625b51fdb54b981d343581413db2507
1. Светлана Јанковић, Biljana Tojtovska***, On a general decay stability of stochastic Cohen-Grossberberg neural networks with time-varying delays , од стр. 2289, до стр. 2302

Linear Algebra and its Applications (M21), 2012, Elsevier, 1, 437, 0024-3795, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0024379512001413
1. Драгана Цветковић-Илић, Yimin Wei***, Chunyuan Deng***, On invertibility of combinations of k-potent operators , од стр. 376, до стр. 387

Applied Mathematics and Computation (M21), 2012, Elsevier, 17, 218, 0096-3003, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0096300312001427
1. Драгана Цветковић-Илић, Xiaoji Liu***, Shaowu Huang***, Mixed-type reverse-order laws for {1,3,4}-generalized inverses over Hilbert spaces , од стр. 8570, до стр. 8577

Linear Algebra and its Applications (M21), 2012, Elsevier, 9, 437, 0024-3795, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0024379512004351
1. Драгана Цветковић-Илић, Chunyuan Deng***, Jerry Koliha***, Generalized Drazin invertibility of combinations of idempotents , од стр. 2317, до стр. 2324

Applied Mathematics and Computation (M21), 2012, Elsevier, 4, 219, 0096-3003, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0096300312008429
1. Драгана Цветковић-Илић, Xiaoji Liu***, Hongwei Jin***, The absorption laws for the generalized inverses , од стр. 2053, до стр. 2059

The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (M21), 2012, ILAS–the International Linear Algebra Society, 23, 1081-3810, http://www.math.technion.ac.il/iic/ela/ela-articles/articles/vol23_pp1023-1039.pdf
1. Драган Ђорђевић, Ивана Радојевић, Quasihyponormal and Strongly Quasihyponormal matrices in Indefinite Inner Product Spaces , од стр. 1023, до стр. 1039

Aequationes Mathematicae (M21), 2012, Springer, 0001-9054, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00010-012-0133-2
1. Драган Ђорђевић, Драган Ракић, Space pre-order and minus partial order for operators on Banach spaces , од стр. ???, до стр. ???, DOI: 10.1007/s00010-012-0133-2

The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (M21), 2012, ILAS–the International Linear Algebra Society, 23, 1081-3810, http://www.math.technion.ac.il/iic/ela/ela-articles/articles/vol23_pp1040-1059.pdf
1. Драган Ракић, Decomposition of a ring induced by minus partial order, од стр. 1040, до стр. 1059

Journal of Radioanalytical Nuclear Chemistry (M21), 2011, Springer Netherlands, 3, 288, 0236-5731, http://rd.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10967-011-1009-y
1. Милан Митић, Ruzica Micić***, Snezana Mitić***, Aleksandra Pavlović***, Snezana Tosić ***, Kinetic determination of traces of Th(IV) on the basis of its catalytic effect in environmental water samples , од стр. 845, до стр. 850

Mathematics of Computation (M21), 2012, American Mathematical Society, 0025-5718, http://www.ams.org/journals/mcom/0000-000-00/S0025-5718-2013-02660-9/home.html
1. Драгана Цветковић-Илић, X. Liu***, Shuxia Wu***, New results on reverse order law for {1,2,3} and {1,2,4}-inverses of bounded operators (2013) , од стр. ???, до стр. ???


Studia Mathematica (M22), 2011, INSTYTUT MATEMATYCZNY, POLSKA AKADEMIA NAUK, 2, 204, 0039-3223, http://journals.impan.pl/cgi-bin/doi?sm204-2-2
1. Небојша Динчић, Драган Ђорђевић, Дијана Мосић, Mixed-type reverse order law and its equivalencies , од стр. 123, до стр. 136, DOI: doi:10.4064/sm204-2-2

Integral Equations and Operator Theory (M22), 2011, Springer, 3, 69, 0378-620X, http://link.springer.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/article/10.1007%2Fs00020-010-1839-y
1. Robin Harte, Драган Ђорђевић, Снежана Живковић-Златановић, Left-right Browder and left-right Fredholm operators , од стр. 347, до стр. 363

Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (M22), 2012, American Mathematical Society, 9, 140, 0002-9939, http://www.ams.org/journals/proc/2012-140-09/S0002-9939-2012-11159-1/
1. Robin Harte, Драган Ђорђевић, Снежана Живковић-Златановић, Spectral permanence for the Moore-Penrose inverse , од стр. 3237, до стр. 3245

Linear Algebra and its Applications (M22), 2011, Elsevier, 11, 435, 0024-3795, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0024379511003260
1. Небојша Динчић, Драган Ђорђевић, Mixed-type reverse order law for products of three operators , од стр. 2658, до стр. 2673

Linear Algebra and its Applications (M22), 2011, Elsevier, 5, 434, 0024-3795, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0024379510005987
1. Robin Harte, Драгана Цветковић-Илић, Reverse order laws in C*-algebras , од стр. 1388, до стр. 1394

Linear Algebra and its Applications (M22), 2012, Elsevier, 1, 436, 0024-3795, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0024379511004939
1. Драгана Цветковић-Илић, Yimin Wei***, Chunyuan Deng***, Properties of the combinations of  commutative idempotents , од стр. 202, до стр. 221

Integral transforms and special functions (M22), 2011, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 12, 22, 1065-2469, http://web.ebscohost.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/ehost/detail?vid=3&sid=c8f9af72-c57b-483b-ae1a-a5f3029cceb2%40sessionmgr111&hid=108&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=aph&AN=67043607
1. Госпава Ђорђевић, Hari Srivastava***, Some generating functions and other properties associated with the generalized Hermite and related polynomials , од стр. 895, до стр. 906

Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (M22), 2011, North-Holland, 4, 82, 0378-4754, http://ac.els-cdn.com/S0378475411002187/1-s2.0-S0378475411002187-main.pdf?_tid=1f045fbe-5fcb-11e2-aeb9-00000aacb361&acdnat=1358333857_7f606dd2ad5bd6915d1ceea25742cb71
1. Марија Крстић, The effect of stochastic perturbation on a nonlinear delay malaria epidemic model , од стр. 558, до стр. 569

Acta Applicandae Mathematicae (M22), 2012, Springer, 1, 121, 0167-8019, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10440-012-9691-5
1. Јелена Манојловић, Takaši Kusano***, Positive Solutions of Fourth Order Thomas-Fermi Type Differential Equations in the Framework of Regular Variation , од стр. 81, до стр. 103


Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia(2013) (M23), 2012, Chemical Society of Ethiopia, 2, 27, 1011-3924, http://www.ajol.info/index.php/bcse
1. Милан Митић, D. A. Kostic***, J. M. Velickovic***, S. S. Mitic***, S. S. Randjelovic***, B. B. Arsic***, A. N. Pavlovic***, Correlation among phenolic, toxic metals and antioxidant activity of the extracts of plant species from Southeast Serbia, од стр. 1, до стр. 10

Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (M23), 2012, Malaysian Mathematical Society, 0126-6705, http://emis.matem.unam.mx/journals/BMMSS/
1. Драган Ђорђевић, Милица Колунџија, Дијана Мосић, Further results on the generalized Drazin inverse of block matrices in Banach algebras , од стр. ???, до стр. ???

Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (M23), 2011, Pharmacotherapy Croup, 1, 10, 1596-5996, http://www.tjpr.org/vol10_no1/2011_10_1_15_download.html
1. Милан Митић, Snezana Mitić***, Danijela Kostić***, Danijela Nasković-Đokić***, Rapid and Reliable HPLC Method for the Determination of Vitamin C in Pharmaceutical Samples , од стр. 105, до стр. 111

Hemijska Industrija (M23), 2011, Savez hemijskih inženjera, 5, 65, 0367-598X, http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/Article.aspx?id=0367-598X1100042M
1. Милан Митић, Mirjana Obradović***, Danijela Kostić***, Ružica Micić***, Danijela Nasković-Đokić***, Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Capacity of Commercial Red Fruit Juices , од стр. 611, до стр. 619

Hemijska Industrija (M23), 2011, Savez hemijskih inženjera, 2, 65, 0367-598X, http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/Article.aspx?id=0367-598X1000075K
1. Милан Митић, Snezana Mitić***, Danijela Kostić***, Aleksandra Zarubica***, Jasmina Veličković***, Sasa Ranđelović***, Content of trace metals in medicinal plants and their extracts , од стр. 165, до стр. 170

Food Science and Biotechnology (M23), 2011, Springer, 6, 20, 1226-7708, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10068-011-0224-1
1. Милан Митић, Mirjana Obradović***, Danijela Kostić***, Ružica Micić***, Dušan Paunović***, Phenolic profile and antioxidant capacities of dried red currant from Serbia, extracted with different solvent , од стр. 1625, до стр. 1631

Communications in Algebra (M23), 2011, Taylor&Francis, 2, 39, 0092-7872, http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00927871003598707
1. Драган Ђорђевић, Biljana Načevska***, Inner generalized inverses with prescribed idempotents , од стр. 634, до стр. 646, DOI: 10.1080/00927871003598707

Acta Mathematica Scientia (M23), 2012, Elsevier, 2, 32, 0252-9602, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0252960212600319
1. Јелена Љубисављевић, Драгана Цветковић-Илић, A note on the Drazin inverse of a modified matrix , од стр. 483, до стр. 487

Quaestiones Mathematicae (M23), 2011, Taylor & Francis, 3, 34, 1607-3606, http://www.tandfonline.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/doi/abs/10.2989/16073606.2011.622884
1. Robin Harte, Драган Ђорђевић, Cora Stack***, Left-right consistency in rings III , од стр. 335, до стр. 339

Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis (M23), 2011, Tusi Mathematical Research Group, 2, 5, 1735-8787, www.emis.de/journals/BJMA/
1. Драган Ђорђевић, Дијана Мосић, EP elements in Banach algebras , од стр. 25, до стр. 32

Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society (M23), 2011, Korean Mathematical Society^(Daehan Suhaghoe), 5, 48, 0304-9914, http://koreascience.or.kr/article/ArticleFullRecord.jsp?cn=DBSHBB_2011_v48n5_1053
1. Драган Ђорђевић, Снежана Живковић-Златановић, Robin Harte, On left and right Browder operators , од стр. 1053, до стр. 1063

Communications in Algebra (M23), 2012, Taylor & Francis, 3, 40, 0092-7872, http://www.tandfonline.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/doi/abs/10.1080/00927872.2010.543364
1. Enrico Boasso, Robin Harte, Драгана Цветковић-Илић, On weighted reverse order laws for the Moore-Penrose inverse and K-inverses , од стр. 959, до стр. 971

Filomat (M23), 2012, FACULTY OF SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS UNIVERSITY OF NIS, 2, 26, 0354-5180, http://www.pmf.ni.ac.rs/pmf/publikacije/filomat/2012/F26-2-2012/F26-2-12.pdf
1. Драгана Цветковић-Илић, Xiaoji Liu***, Yonghui Qin***, Perturbation bounds for the Moore-Penrose inverse of operators , од стр. 353, до стр. 362

Acta Mathematica Scientia (M23), 2011, Elsevier, 4, 31, 0252-9602, http://www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.kobson.nb.rs:2048/science/article/pii/S0252960211603329
1. Ивана Ђоловић, Eberhard Malkowsky***, Characterizations of Compact Operators on Some Euler Spaces of Difference Sequences of Order m , од стр. 1465, до стр. 1474

Filomat (M23), 2011, FACULTY OF SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS UNIVERSITY OF NIS, 3, 25, 0354-5180                                  , http://operator.pmf.ni.ac.rs/www/pmf/publikacije/filomat/2011/F25-3-2011/F25-3-11.pdf
1. Дијана Мосић, Estimation of a condition number related to $A^(2)_{T,S}$ , од стр. 125, до стр. 135

Filomat (M23), 2012, FACULTY OF SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS UNIVERSITY OF NIS, 2, 26, 0354-5180                                  , http://www.pmf.ni.ac.rs/pmf/publikacije/filomat/2012/F26-2-2012/F26-2-4.pdf
1. Госпава Ђорђевић, Polynomials of the Laugerre type , од стр. 261, до стр. 267, DOI: 10.2298/FIL1202261D

Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics (M23), 2011, Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium, 1, 41, 0035-7596, http://projecteuclid.org/DPubS?service=UI&version=1.0&verb=Display&handle=euclid.rmjm/1297088425
1. Јелена Манојловић, Takaši Kusano***, T. Tanigawa***, Sharp Oscillation Criteria for a Class of Fourth Order Nonlinear Differential Equations , од стр. 249, до стр. 274

Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (M23), 2012, Bolay Institute, University of Szeged, 45, 2012, 1417-3875, http://www.math.u-szeged.hu/ejqtde/periodica.html?periodica=1¶mtipus_ertek=publication¶m_ertek=1444
1. Јелена Манојловић, Takaši Kusano***, Asymptotic behavior of positive solutions of odd order Emden-Fowler type differential equations in the framework of regular variations , од стр. 1, до стр. 23

Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society (M23), 2012, Korean Mathematical Society^(Daehan Suhaghoe), 1015-8634, ????????
1. Драган Ђорђевић, Милица Колунџија, Right and left Fredholm operator matrices , од стр. ???, до стр. ???


Information and Communication Technologies - International Conference 2012 (ICTIC 2012) (M33), 2012, EDIS-Žšilina University Publisher, Univerzitná 1, 01026 Žšilina, Slovak Repoublic, 978-80-554-0513-1, Slovačka, од: 19.03.2012, до: 23.03.2012, http:/ictic.sk
1. Душица Илић, Nenad Vesić***, Testing Effects of a Drug: Drugs for Chronic Diseases , од стр. 111, до стр. 119


The International Conference «Mathematical and Informational Technologies, MIT-2011», Vrnjačka Banja (M34), 2011, ALFA Univerzitet, Društvo matematičara Kosova i Metohije, Institute of Computational Technologies, Serbian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Beograd, 2012, 978-86-83237-90-6 , Srbija, од: 27.08.2011, до: 31.08.2011, http://www.mit.rs/2011/zbornik-2011.pdf
1. Биљана Поповић, Vladica Stojanović***, The Distribution of Split-SV(1) Model, од стр. 335, до стр. 340


Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics (M51), 2011, Brazilian Statistical Association, 1, 25, 0103-0752, http://projecteuclid.org/DPubS?verb=Display&version=1.0&service=UI&handle=euclid.bjps/1291387773&page=record
1. Биљана Поповић, Predrag Popović***, Vladica Stojanović***, The split-Break Model , од стр. 44, до стр. 63

IMVI Open Mathematical Education Notes (M51), 2011, International Mathematical Virtual Institute, 1, 1840-4383, http://www.imvibl.org/imvibl/omen/omen1/vol_1_2011_1_15.pdf
1. Биљана Поповић, Sonja Šumonja***, Bojana Dimitrijević***, The Effect of War Events on Mathematics Teaching and Learning , од стр. 1, до стр. 15

Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physic (M51), 2012, Georgian National Academy of Sciences and the A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute, 57, 1512-0015, http://www.rmi.ge/jeomj/memoirs/vol57/vol57-4.pdf
1. Јелена Манојловић, Vojislav Marić***, An asymptotic analysis of positive solutions of Thomas-Fermi type sublinear differential equations , од стр. 75, до стр. 94


Journal of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Research (M52), 2011, CODEN(USA):JCPRC5, 2, 3, 0975-7384, http://jocpr.com/vol3-iss2-2011/JCPR-2011-3-2-605-616.pdf
1. Милан Митић, Snežana Mitić***, Aleksandra Pavlović***, Snežana Tošić***, Emilija Pecev***, Ružica Micić***, A kinetic method for the determination of diazepam based on ligand-exchange reaction , од стр. 605, до стр. 611

Funcional Analysis, Approximation and Computation (M52), 2011, Funcional Analysis, Approximation and Computation, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Nis, Serbia, 1, 3, 1821-410X, http://operator.pmf.ni.ac.rs/www/pmf/publikacije/faac/2011/3-1-2011/faac3-1-3.pdf
1. Драган Ђорђевић, Outer generalized inverses of centralizers over semiprime rings , од стр. 19, до стр. 22

Funcional Analysis, Approximation and Computation (M52), 2011, Funcional Analysis, Approximation and Computation, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Nis, Serbia, 1, 3, 1821-410X, http://operator.pmf.ni.ac.rs/www/pmf/publikacije/faac/2011/3-1-2011/faac3-1-6.pdf
1. Драган Ђорђевић, Дијана Мосић, Idempotents related to the weighted Moore-Penrose inverse , од стр. 45, до стр. 52

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