Functional Analysis, Approximation and Computation
Volume 16, Number 3, 2024
Relatively regular semi-Fredholm operators and essentially Saphar decomposition
Snezana C. Zivkovic-Zlatanovic
Funct. Anal. Approx. Comput. 16 (3) (2024), 1-12.
Closedness of the set of all linear preservers of DSS-weak majorization on
ℓp(I)Martin Ljubenovic
Funct. Anal. Approx. Comput. 16 (3) (2024), 13-19.
A set of S-asymptotically omega periodic functions in the Stepanov sense
William Dimbour, Vincent Valmorin
Funct. Anal. Approx. Comput. 16 (3) (2024), 21-37.
Some coupled fixed point results under contractive type conditions in cone
Sb-metric spacesG. S. Saluja
Funct. Anal. Approx. Comput. 16 (3) (2024), 3
9-53.-Almost periodic ultradistributions in Rn
Marko Kostic
Funct. Anal. Approx. Comput. 16 (3) (2024), 55-63.